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  • How to print screen with mac which is running Windows

    Posted on July 2nd, 2010 Sean 3 comments

         For Microsoft ASP.NET, I have to have Windows on my Mac for installing visual studio, then I need to use Windows for a while. But there is no such “Print Screen” key on Mac keyboard, so if I want to print a screen or a window, need to use combined key:

    • First, Windows needs Bootcamp installed
    • If want to print whole screen, use SHIFT + FN + F11
    • If just want to print current window, use ALT(option key) + SHIFT + FN + F11
    • Paste the screen to picture editing tools, such as Photoshop
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  • Setting up virtualhost in Apache on Windows XP

    Posted on April 27th, 2010 Sean Add comments

    1.Configuring Apache
         The first file need to edit is the Apache httpd.conf file. Usually, it’s under the root folder where the Apache was installed.
         If IIS is also used on Windows, IIS will use 80 port first, so need to change the port number of Apache server, e.g. change port 80 to 8080

         Then, add new virtualhost

         In the end, need to define the permissions of the virtualhost directory:

    2.Resolving the DNS issue
         Obviously, if typed “http://sub.localhost” in your browser, it would not be found by your Internet provider’s DNS server, and still need modify the files called “hosts”. It’s under “C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\”, and just add the new sub domain to the file:

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  • 如何卸载Windows Live Messenger

    Posted on April 18th, 2010 Sean Add comments


    1. 打开注册表,搜索“Windows Live Messenger”
    2. 大概会在“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\(一堆数字)\InstallProperties”下,找到一个叫做“ModifyPath”的项,并拷贝该项的键值,大致像“MsiExec.exe /X{A9D94100-37D6-4D7B-A795-BD050BA9602B}”
    3. 使用win键+R,粘贴刚才拷贝的键值,运行
    4. 按照提示,就能完全卸载MSN
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  • 修改Vista和Win7的用户登录界面

    Posted on December 5th, 2009 Sean 1 comment


    • 1.同时按下“Win”键和“R”键,在用运行的命令框中输入“regedit”打开注册表修改器
    • 2.找到键“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System”
    • 3.找到键“dontdisplaylastusername”,将其键值改为“1”
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  • How to open multiple excel files in different excel windows

    Posted on October 7th, 2009 Sean Add comments

         Sometimes wanna open two excel files in 2 different windows for my dual monitor. Finally found answer by google:

    1. Open Windows Explorer (such “My Computer”)
    2. Select “Tools” (on the menu bar)
    3. Select “Folder Options”
    4. Select the “File Types” Tab
    5. Scroll down to find and select the XLS extension or XLSX (for EXCEL 2007)
    6. Click the “Advanced” Button
    7. Select the “Open” action from the list
    8. Click the “Edit…” Button
    9. Where is says “Application used to perform action:”
      If not already there, add the following to the end of the file path:

                /e "%1"

    10. Uncheck the “Use DDE” box
    11. Click OK to exit
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