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  • Visual Studio Website Administration Tool & SQL Server Express

    Posted on June 24th, 2010 Sean 1 comment

          In Visual Studio the Website Administration Tool lets you view and manage the Web site configuration through a simple Web interface. But sometimes there is problem which is when using the Website Administration Tool to make a new connection for a new website, for example, using the security tab of the Website Administration Tool to manage rules for securing specific resources in the web application or website, it will display an error message “Unable to connect to SQL Server database”, even you have SQL Server Express installed and no problem to connect to it.
          To solve this problem, try one or more of the following ways:
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  • How to make DMG file on Mac

    Posted on June 23rd, 2010 Sean 2 comments
    1. Create a new folder and copy the files you want in the DMG image into this new folder.
    2. Choose this new folder, and on the top menu bar click: File -> Get Info, find the size of this folder (e.g. 49.2 MB)
    3. (click pics for bigger view)

    4. Open “Disk Utility”, go to Applications -> Utilities -> Disk Utility
    5. Click the “New Image” icon to create a new disk image, enter a name for the image, and select a size adequate for the size of your folder you created in step 2 (usually should be little bigger, e.g. 50 MB here). Set the encryption to “none” (if you don’t want set password for it) and format to “read/write disk image”
    6. (click pics for bigger view)

    7. Place the contents of the folder created from step 2 into the newly mounted disk image
    8. (click pics for bigger view)

    9. Unmount the disk image after copy done, the DMG file is what to you want
    10. Option: Go to “Disk Utility” again, choose the image file and click “Convert”, then set “Image Format” to “read-only”.
      (This step just make your disk image can’t be modified in the future)
    11. (click pics for bigger view)

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  • 世界杯

    Posted on June 17th, 2010 Sean Add comments
         世界杯,全称为国际足联世界杯、或者世界足球锦标赛(World Cup,FIFA World Cup),是世界上最高水平的足球比赛,与奥运会、F1并称为全球三大顶级赛事。但,纵观当今所有世界范围的运动比赛,能单以“世界杯”这三个字就可全权代表的比赛,恐怕也只有这四年一次的足球赛了。

         既然是全世界的比赛,就要有一个像样点的奖杯。第一届世界杯于1930年在乌拉圭举行,获胜者的奖杯是1928年FIFA特制的由巴黎著名首饰技师弗列尔铸造的胜利女神尼凯奖杯,也称“雷米特杯” (为了纪念 FIFA 世界杯的创始人雷米特会长)。当时国际足联规定,哪支国家队能三次夺得世界杯冠军,就可永久拥有雷米特杯,所以1970年巴西队在墨西哥城第三次夺得冠军后,永久收藏了当时的冠军奖杯“雷米特杯”。为了能给下一届冠军继续发放世界杯的奖杯,国际足联采用意大利人加扎尼亚的设计方案,制作了两个力士双手高擎地球的奖杯,即著名的“大力神杯”。另外,国际足联规定新杯为流动奖品,不论哪个队获得多少冠军,也不能占有此杯了。

         今年,第十九届世界杯(2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa)于2010年6月11日至7月11日在南非举行。记得在国内的时候,每次世界杯都要熬夜或是夜里起床看。没想到了美国,却变成了一大早4点半,这个鸡肋时间着实让我很郁闷……

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  • 修改常用浏览器临时文件存放位置

    Posted on June 8th, 2010 Sean 2 comments


       1. IE浏览器:

    • 打开IE,选择:工具->Internet选项->常规->浏览历史记录->设置
    • 在弹出的设置窗口中,点击“移动文件夹”后,将文件夹移动到其他盘,例如:G:\IEtemp下
    • 如果移动过慢,说明临时文件太多太大,可以先选择:工具->Internet选项->常规->浏览历史记录->删除,然后再移动

       2. Firefox浏览器:

    • 打开Firefox,在地址栏输入“about:config”,firefox将会显示设置界面
    • 找到“browser.cache.disk.enable”,将其值改为“true”
    • 新建字符串“browser.cache.disk.parent_directory”,值设为要存放临时文件的文件夹,例如:G:\firefoxTemp
    • 重启Firefox,在地址栏输入“about:cache”,可看到设置已成功

       3. Google Chrome浏览器:

    • 找到文件夹“C:\Documents and Settings\(your user name)\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data”,将此文件夹下所有文件复制到要存放临时文件的文件夹,例如:G:\chromeTemp
    • 找到桌面上“Chrome”的快捷方式,点右键,选择:属性->快捷方式->目标,不用修改任何东西,只在行末加上参数“-User-data-dir=G:\chromTemp”即可
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  • 食物相生与相克

    Posted on June 3rd, 2010 Sean 1 comment



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