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  • Mailbox unavailable for IIS 6 smtp service

    Posted on January 18th, 2014 Sean Add comments

         After created a smtp virtual server and enable the smtp service, if the web application still got error such “Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.1 Unable to relay for”, need to do following:

    1. Open “IIS 6 Manager”
    2. Under local computer name, find SMTP virtual server, and open properties for it
    3. On “Access” tab, click “Relay” on “Relay restrictions” section
    4. Choose “Only the list below”, then add loopback ip “” and server ip to the list
    5. Restart smtp service
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  • How to manually update extensions on Google Chrome

    Posted on January 14th, 2013 Sean 1 comment

         Chrom manages it’s own extensions very well, but seems not checking update everyday. Here is how to check and install updates manually for extensions:

    1. Open Chrome, and type “chrome://extensions/” in the address bar
    2. Check “Developer mode” on the top right corner
    3. Click “Update extensions now” button
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  • 搬家完成

    Posted on February 18th, 2012 Sean Add comments

         最后就是搬文件和修改设置,这一步比较复杂,因为所有的数据库connection string都要重新改,所有的文件结构都有变化。不过有点耐心,慢慢来也就小菜一碟了。

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  • How to add Google adsense for search into the website

    Posted on May 29th, 2010 Sean 2 comments
    • 1. Go to Google Adsense and sign into your account (if you don’t have it, need a google account to create one)
    • 2. Click the “AdSense Setup” tab
    • 3. Select AdSense for search as the product
    • 4. Select your search type — for now, choose “Only sites I select”, later will modify the code allow user to choose what type of search they do
      (Click pics for bigger view)

    • 5. Enter the site you specify to search across
    • 6. Design your search box by choosing Google Logo placement, background color, and text box size.
    • 7. Choose your search results page, Ad location and style — for me, I choose “Open results within my own site”, and for the field of “Enter URL where search results will be displayed” enter “” (a subdomain I wanna keep my search engine with)

    • 8. Enter a name for search engine and click “Submit and Get Code”
    • 9. You will get two code for “Search Box Code” and “Search Results Code”, paste the “Search Box Code” into the page where you’d like your search box to appear, paste “Search Box Code” and “Search Results Code” into the page where you would like your search results to appear.

    • 10. Modify the “Search Box Code” in the search results page like below, allow user to choose only search within the specify website, or entire web
      • The original code:
      • The modified code:

         Check out how it looks like Sean’s Search

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  • How to get Latitude and Longitude values of an address on Google Maps

    Posted on May 6th, 2010 Sean 6 comments

         Basically Google Maps do not display the latitude and longitude values for an address, but you still can use some methods to find it.

    • Run a trick javascript to find it
      • 1. Find an address you want to get the values for
      • 2. Click the address to make it showing on the center of Google Maps
      • 3. When the location you want is in the center of the map, copy and paste this code into the location bar of your browser and press enter:

    • Use Google Labs to find it
      • 1. Go to Google Maps and login your Google account
      • 2. Go to the upper-right corner and select the green iconof Google Labs
      • 3. Scroll down to the LatLng Tooltip and select it’s Enable radio button.

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